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About Us

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Will Blott, Founder

Over the past two decades I've had the opportunity to support thousands of leaders, managers, and teams in startups, scale-ups and enterprises. Amongst the highlights include close to a decade helping Google grow, as its office in Australia scaled from 100 to over 1000 employees.


As a consequence I’ve been fortunate to experience first hand what it takes to build and sustain high performance in fast growth organisations in technology and other industries.


These insights are easily applicable to any organisation with an appetite to learn, advance and succeed.


I've come across numerous instances of teams disengaging and delivering sub-optimal performance as a result of managers or senior leaders having people as an afterthought, sometimes failing to recognise their own leadership blindspots and how it impacts the prevailing culture.  At other times, it was due to not knowing how best to foster the right environment that sets others up for success.


The good news is, it's never too late to change: teams and individuals can improve at any time and start to thrive when given the right direction, in the right environment and with the right support.


Having been responsible for solving people challenges across the full employee lifecycle from high-growth startups to some of the world's most recognised brands, I established IfHowNow as a means to help more leaders, managers and teams perform to their potential, no matter their size or stage of growth.


Unsure if you and your teams are realising your full potential?  Let's start a conversation to see how we might help you and your teams achieve more.

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